Blue Forest Banshee

by Plaid Dragon

Blue Forest Banshee by PlaidDragon
Part 12

Fortunately, Wufei was too startled to get angry and Q didn't yell this time. Heero didn't kill anyone either, although it was a near thing...

Raia glanced at the dragon, the cougar and the stony-faced young man sitting silently before Q's desk.

"Sir, would you like some coffee?"

Q shook his head. "No, thank you, Raia. This will be brief."

She backed out of the room, closing the door softly behind her.

Q smiled pleasantly, steepling his fingers.

Somehow, that gentle smile was more frightening than any amount of yelling could be.

"Well, who would like to begin?" he asked lightly.

The dragon and the cat looked at each other. The young man simply waited.

With a deep sigh, Trowa began.

He explained how he had come across Duo and offered to help, and their subsequent conversation. Then he looked at Wufei.

The dragon huffed, puffing out two small smokeballs.

He described how Duo had turned to look at him, and then, unaccountably, fainted.

"When I found them," Heero said tonelessly, picking up the story, "They were arguing over whether to take him to the infirmary, to his room or to make him comfortable where he was." He stopped there.

Q leaned back in his chair and propped his boots on his desk.

::Hmm...:: thought Wufei. ::Nice boots. Must be new.::

"You know, gentlemen," Q began quietly. "Right about now, Duo must think we are all a load of lunatics. What was it you said to Trowa and Wufei, Heero? When you found them with the unconscious Duo?"

Heero's impassive expression didn't change, but his cheekbones colored up slightly.

"I would prefer not to repeat myself, sir."

"Hn. And what was the collateral damage, Heero?" The blond Wizard sighed and laced his fingers together behind his head, gazing up at the ceiling.

"Two Fairies, a Witch, an American Beauty rosebush, an Elf intern and Mrs Makminato."

"Yes..." sighed Q.

Trowa and Wufei glanced surreptitiously at each other. Heero's reaction in the garden just might let them off with a glare and a warning. After all, they didn't kill a rosebush and send five people screaming for cover.

"The rosebush, I'm afraid, is no more. Master Kushrenada is not amused; you know how he feels about his roses." Heero nodded silently.

"Mrs Makminato required smelling salts and a tranquilizer. The intern will probably transfer to another location. The Witch would like to wash your mouth out with--" He glanced at a note on his desk. "--Something called fels-naptha soap." He removed his feet from his desk and sat forward again, smiling brightly. "And the Fairies would like to know if you would care to join them for drinks tonight."

Heero's pink flush deepened.

Q smiled at Trowa and Wufei. "I trust you gentlemen will not be causing any more fainting spells?"

"Oh, no, sir!" they chorused.

"We're very sorry, sir," said Trowa.

"We didn't know that Duo didn't know that we're Weres. We didn't mean to startle him," said Wufei earnestly. "We like Duo."

Trowa nodded his agreement. "Yes, we like Duo a lot!"

A low rumble came from Heero's direction, and the Weres went very still and quiet.

"Very well," said Q. "Go away now, and don't bother Duo for a couple of days."

"Yes, sir!"

The Weres stalked out together, grumbling at each other as they went.

Q turned to Heero.

"May I assume that you also enjoy Duo's company?"

"Yes, sir; I do."

"And he is currently resting in the infirmary?"

"Yes, sir."

"Then I expect you will be making your apologies to the Witch, the intern and Mrs Makminato and turning up tonight for drinks with the Fairies." It wasn't a question.

"Yes, sir," said Heero morosely.

"Not much you can do about the rosebush."

"I've ordered a replacement, as well as a Martha Washington and two Abraham Lincoln."

"Ah! In that case, Master Kushrenada may forgive you yet."

"Will you forgive me?" Heero asked quietly.

"I think that's a given, Heero. Just try not to be so... loudly protective next time. Okay?"

Heero nodded.

"Yes, sir."


On to Chapter thirteen

Back to Chapter eleven

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