Blue Forest Banshee:Diversions

by Plaid Dragon

Duo stopped to stare at the long case tucked under the edge of Inazuma's desk.

"Zuma, what's that?"

"Hmm...?" The River Elf was engrossed in a report and didn't register Duo's question, only his presence.

"The case. What is it?" Nothing curiouser than a Banshee with a mystery...

Inazuma looked down as if just realizing that there was indeed a long, narrow box under his desk. "Oh, that's my bow."

"A bow? As in an archery bow?"

"Um... Yeah. I'm going to the range at lunchtime to practice."

"You shoot."

The Elf's eyes flickered around the room, looking for back-up, just in case. The Banshee had some really odd mood swings sometimes.

"Oh, yeah. I've been doing it since I was... maybe five."

"May I... May I see it?" Duo's voice sounded so odd, kind of strained, as if he was trying to hold onto his temper or something.

Inazuma didn't see any reason not to agree, so he pulled the case out and opened it on top of his desk. The one-piece recurve bow was old and heavy, its dark wood gleaming dully in the light. It had been in his Clan for a long time, as had all their bows, being handed down as new Elves came into their adult strength and the ability to string and draw the deadly weapons. Inazuma was rather proud of being able to master such a heavy weapon; it required a great deal of strength to manage a full draw of the 70-pound bow and not every Elf, even a male, could manage that strength.

Duo stared at it, running a single finger over its polished surface. The smooth dark wood resonated with the memories of the hands that had held it, strung it, and drawn it; for pleasure, for the hunt and for defense. It was very old, the weapon of a dozen generations; a fine legacy to leave to a favored child or a worthy pupil, and it fairly thrummed in Duo's mind with awareness of its status.

"Would you like to take it out?" Inazuma offered. It couldn't be strung indoors, but it wouldn't hurt to handle it.

That offer seemed to shake Duo out of whatever mood he was in.

"Nah, Heero would have a fit. Maybe... maybe I could go with you at lunch?" he asked hopefully.

Inazuma blinked. "Um... Sure." He wouldn't mind the company at all. At the moment, he seemed to be the only one using the range. Archery was part of the physical education curriculum at the school, but mostly as a curiosity and only for the fifth year students. "Have you ever shot?"

"Long time ago..." Duo murmured. "I can barely remember it. My uncle was an archer... He had a bow..." He blinked suddenly and looked at Inazuma. "My uncle had a bow... a beautiful bow... I wonder what ever happened to it."

Before Inazuma could gather his wits, Duo answered his own semi-question. "I'll call Teal; maybe he has it. Do you think you could teach me to shoot? Properly, I mean."

"Well, sure. I mean, I can show you how to hold it and what to do, but you won't be able to draw this bow; you're not strong enough yet."

Duo bristled good-naturedly. "Hey Elf, are you calling the Banshee weak?"

Inazuma snickered. "Yeah, I'm calling you weak," he laughed. "And I'll prove it at the range."


"Meet here or there?"

"Here; we can swing by the dining hall and grab sandwiches. In fact, I'll call and order them right now."

"Okay. Make mine turkey on that squishy white bread."

"Philistine," Duo muttered, making a note. "Thanks, Zuma; I really appreciate this."


Back to chapter twenty-nine

On to Chapter thirty-one

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