Blue Forest Banshee

by Plaid Dragon

“Because I really hated Fresno and if I didn’t stay in Fresno, I’d have to go back to the realm and then Zephyrus would have a cow!”

Incredibly, he turned those watery, buggy eyes our way and made puppy eyes at us. I almost choked trying not to laugh. Trowa just stared at him for a minute.

“Wufei is going to kill you,” he said finally. “He’s going to cut your damn head off. Maybe I’ll help. You are such an idiot!”

Farquahar wibbled. “I know...” He sighed heavily and drank some coffee. “Lord Puma...? Could you get someone to feed my animals...? Please? It’s not their fault I’m in trouble....”

Trowa and I looked at each other. I sighed and pulled out my phone. While Trowa pried some pertinent information out of the damn demon, I called Inazuma and got the Were-Tiger’s number and then gave her a call. I gave her the short version of Farquahar’s meandering tale and she was apparently forgiving enough to feel sorry for the idiot demon. She agreed to go over and feed his animals and I promised her reimbursement for any expenses.

By the time I finished, Trowa was leaning back in his chair, staring up at the ceiling and shaking his head slowly.

“What now?” I asked and he sighed. Before I could dig a bit deeper, a voice startled me.

“He comes with me,” said Heero behind me. “Finish your breakfast, demon; you are going for evaluation.”

Farquahar gulped and turned pale grey.

“Evaluation where?” I blurted out.

“In the labs,” Heero smirked.

Trowa and I stared at him. “You don’t mean...?” began Trowa. Heero smiled; the smile with teeth. The smile that says ‘I am about to shred you into coleslaw and I will enjoy every instant of it.’

“The five Wizards are waiting.”

I gaped; Trowa blinked and said, “Damn, Heero...”

“It wasn’t my decision,” Heero clarified. “I just offered to deliver the news. And the demon.”

I’ve had a few encounters with the freaky five; I’m not sure I’d wish those lunatics even on a demon. “How long does this last?”

“Until they get answers. Q and the other heads are extremely concerned about this; no one wants a rogue running around.” He laid his hand on my shoulder and leaned down to murmur in my ear, “They won’t hurt him, Duo; he’s a demon. They’re quite... resilient.” I must have looked less than convinced, because he brushed a hand over my braid. “I swear, angel; he may be uncomfortable, but they will not hurt him.”

The stinking demon – and yes, he still smelled nasty – had tried to kill me, almost killed Wufei, scared the living crap out of everyone involved, and still I didn’t want anyone to hurt him. I am an idiot.

I sighed, nodded. “Okay, I believe you.” I laid my hand over his on my shoulder. “You’ll be back in the office after you deliver him?”

“I will.” He brushed his lips over my temple. “I love you,” he breathed in my ear.

Then he turned to Farquahar and crooked one finger. “Come.”

The demon made a faint noise, but scrambled to his feet and padded after my Wyvern. Trowa and I watched them go.

“Um....” came the tentative sound from Farquahar. “Do I have time to get a Starbuck’s?” And then they were out of the hall, the closing door cutting off any answer Heero might have given.

Trowa and I looked at each other.

“Do you believe him?” I asked.

“About buying territory and settling down? I guess so.” He shook his head in bemusement. “Just when you think nothing could possibly surprise you, something does.” He grinned at me. “He did give me an idea, though. You want to pop out and get Starbuck’s before we go upstairs?”

I snickered. “Sure; why the hell not. I’ll even buy.”

On to Chapter one hundred-two

Back to Chapter one hundred

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